Resources for Guidance

1. Class Dojo

      This site and app is a great resource for myself as a teacher to connect with students and teachers. At the beginning of the year I can add each student to my "class" in the app. It gives me a code for studnts and parents to connect to for the entire year. Eacch day I start with the app and website open on my computer and phone, so if I am not near my laptop I can still be in touch with the app. 

     Class Dojo is focused on the students, it gives me a chance to give students positive points for being a great role model, on task, or being helpful. Although I can also take points from students when they are off task and being disrespecctful. I beleive this website/app is the most important because the parents get notified if their student got a point given or taken each and every day. Parents can message me directly, I can see when parents read messages, and I can send them pictures. One of the most important resources I use is Class Dojo because I have learned parent support is vital to a child's success. 



2. Xtra Math 

           This website is great for boosting students basic math skills. It coinsides directly with common core math standards for all grades. At the beginning of the year it was great for review, and restarting their brains after a long summer. Throughout the year I would assign students standards for them to review and gain experience with that I had taught a month before. It was a great way for students to stay in touch with what they have learned. 

       Another reason I enjoy this website is it gives me direct feedback as to what my students are struggling with. I have guided a lot of my reteaching and one on one math instruction from this website. I can click on each student and it shows me which standard they are struggling with or what type of math questions they are getting continnually wrong. 

      It also has a parent component, which I gave to my parents on Back to School Night. I will say I have 4 parents who assigned their student math over the breaks, which was great for me to see that the website was eaasy and naviagtional for parents!   




3. Mystery Science 

               This website brought tons of joy and hands on learning into my room! it is a science based website where teachers can find an activity that goes with a science standard from their grade. Each acitivity starts with a question that really challenges the students to think outside fo the box, without ever givingn them an answer. Afer letting students think and hold a discussion on the question, it then goes to a hands on element. This is a great time for students to explore and put their ideas to the test, the best part is the engagement. Students love to learn and solve the problem or answer the question like scientists.